Enhance Self Love
I once read, “If you spoke to your friends the way you speak to yourself, would …

Do you know who else wants and needs a piece of you? But I find that if you do it confidently and lovingly, those who care will respect you for it and even change their behavior with you. But in vulnerability lies great power, so I try and speak my truth as often as possible.The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and as long as you are not hurting anyone, expression from a place of honesty opens up so much space inside you. Giving yourself permission to nurture yourself creates the beliefs that you are worthy and loved.If someone’s dishonest with you, you don’t like it. Few things come to us instantly, especially this sort of transformation.Learning to love ourselves may be our life’s work. With introspection I could see why the answer was four. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. And we deserve magic!A good sign of how much you love yourself is how you let other people treat you.Do they walk all over you?Do you go to the ends of the earth to please them, at the detriment of yourself?Do they speak or act unkindly to you, put you down, and trample on your dreams?Do they put you at the bottom of their list?Although I’ve experienced all of these things, people-pleasing was my big one.
You are inherently divine, beautiful, worthy and deserving -- no matter what is going on in your world. But life is a journey. These frequencies have a healing effect on your subconscious mind. I’d say six or seven. Your soul is a pure and powerful energy. Tuned to 432Hz and mixed with the 852Hz Solfeggio Frequency. Though related, self-acceptance is not the same as self-esteem. Peaceful, Empowering and Relaxing music with footage of nature to nurture your mind, body, and soul. We are all fragile when in pain, so we must support ourselves, comfort ourselves, and love ourselves when we need it most.There’s no such thing as perfection, though you could say that you are perfect in your imperfection. My thoughts, feelings, words, and actions showed how I really felt. But so are you. Your life, as you know it, is a unique expression in consciousness that will never exist again. I always Setting boundaries is often as simple as knowing when to say no. We all go through dark times, but none of us want to get trapped in them.I realized the most loving thing we can do to help ourselves out of a negative state is surround ourselves with positive energy. This may seem normal to most, but these things were all frowned upon by my family. Know that your body is a loving vessel. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to get everything right.So isn’t it funny that we berate ourselves—the opposite of love—for not meeting a standard that’s impossible to reach in the first place? Energy flows where attention goes, so the more you shift your perception towards your positive attributes, the more of them you will uncover.It's also important to remember that your body is just a play thing for your spirit. You For some reason we have learned to shun feelings of hurt, sadness, fear, depression, hopelessness, and so on, as if they are somehow wrong. We identify with our successes and failures, relationship status, job title, bank balance and titles as if they tell the complete story of who we are.Your true identify is something deeper and more eternal than your fluctuating circumstances. What I thought was self-love was largely a superficial gloss on the surface of my life.What’s more, this lack of My strict Indian upbringing had me believe that my job was to conform to other people’s rules, from how I dressed and socialized down to whom I would marry. And those who do walk away, do you really want them there anyway?I once read, “If you spoke to your friends the way you speak to yourself, would they still be your friends?” In my case they certainly wouldn’t, because I’d be saying things like:Imagine saying that to your friends! We speak to ourselves using harsh words we would never dream of directing towards other people.Start treating yourself like you would a friend or loved one.